Monday 17 September 2012

Hello and welcome to Innersound Review. In today's posting I have drawn together some people's experiences with Qi Energy Training. So far this blog has been about people's benefits from Qi Treatments.
Qi Energy Training is a modern system based on ancient Taoist practise.

You might ask the question why do we need a modern system when we have methods that have been around hundreds if not thousands of years ? It is a good question and one that I will endeavor to answer.
It is not just the system we use that is important but where we do it. There are many different types of energy, some being more beneficial for us than others. The originators of ancient practises such as Yoga and Tai Chi were able to develope their practise in a much purer environment than is available to people today.

Being in the mountains and countryside in the distant past energy was stronger and cleaner allowing them to make deeper and quicker progress. Our Qi Training classes are designed for the modern seeker of wellbeing and spiritual practice and addresses the different circumstances that challenge the modern man which were not a problem for the ancients.
Here is one person's experience with Qi Training. If you find this interesting please take a look at Innersound Ancestry.

I first tried Qi Training classes after doing a course of Qi Energy Treatments. I had always struggled to meditate and found it impossible to focus for even a minute. I had done Tai Chi  for three years and although I enjoyed the classes a lot I never felt I had really progressed much spiritually from the practise. When I started the Qi Training classes I found it quite hard as my mind was still very busy. Doing meditation for even a short time was very uncomfortable for me. I persevered with the classes and gradually my mind became more and more peaceful. As my mind relaxed I was able to focus and see much more deeply into my own mind and see clearly how to deal with situations. As I was able to see things more clearly, I didn't need to think as much in a confused state,which gave me more energy as thinking consumes alot of energy.

Ben, I.T. consultant Surrey

Saturday 1 September 2012

Hello and welcome to the latest posting from the Innersound Review Team.

At this time of year with the change of season and associated change in temperature many people get coughs and colds and stiff necks and backs. Autumn is a good time to prepare ourselves for the Winter months with sustaining foods and rest. A crucial part of keeping ourselves in good shape through the cold and damp is an adequate store of Qi in the body.
Today I have compiled a collection of  testimonials related to coping with the British type of climate. If you enjoy this blog please take a look at Innersound Recharge and Innersound Harmony, or even come and visit us at Innersound London, Innersound Manchester and Innersound Exeter.


Innersound Review.

I first had a Qi Treatment at a Mind,Body Spirit Festival and although I felt kind of tired after the treatment I felt relaxed and decided to have some more treatments at Innersound Exeter. I have suffered from S.A.D. since I was a teenager but with the treatments it is much improved.

Carla 36, Taunton

After moving to England from Spain I struggled to cope with the weather. Coming from a hot country I have always been used to the sunshine and found it difficult to adjust to life in the North of England. I found that in my first year in England I suffered from colds and depression for the first time in my life. Having Qi Treatments and has helped me adjust to life in the U.K. Going to Innersound Manchester for treatments and classes has helped me to manage my life in England otherwise I would have had to return to Spain and give up a good job.

Thank you Innersound

Marisol , 32, Manchester

Friday 31 August 2012

Hello and welcome to the latest posting from Innersound Review. After a long sumer break Innersound Review is back bringing people's experiences with Innersound Qi Treatment and Innersound Ancestry to the general public.
I think we all enjoyed the Olympics this summer and inspired by our sporting acheivements I have compiled some testimonials from people connected to sport and exercise.

I came for my first treatment from an internet offer and tried it just out of curiosity. I do yoga regularly and I injured my knee several years ago when I pushed a pose too far. My knee had ached ever since. After one treatment the pain disappeared and I have been able to sit in the lotus position for up to two hours.
Thank you Innersound.

Caroline 34 Oxford.

I had a Qi Treatment when Masters from Innersound came to the club that I play for. I found that the treatment was very relaxing and helped me to recover more quickly after the match.

L.S. Footballer

I used to be a professional ballroom dancer until due to cartilage problems in my knees I was forced to retire. After having treatments at Innersound and doing classes I am now able to dance again, not like when I was younger but still it is a big improvement.

Phyllis 58 Torbay

If you enjoy Innersound Review please take a look at Innersound.

Friday 22 June 2012

Innersound Review brings people's experiences with Innersound Qi Treatment and Innersound Ancestry to the general public. The Innersound Method is a modern system based on ancient principles. Many of the prevalent systems available today were designed hundreds if not thousands of years ago when people lived very different lives and were in a very different state energetically. This is why modern people struggle so much with meditation. Innersound Qi Treatment has been found by many people to improve energy levels and relax the body and mind deeply allowing them to make much quicker progress with meditation and spiritual practise in everyday life. 
If you enjoy this blog please take a look at Innersound Ancestry

I had heard about Innersound Qi Treatment from a friend who had had treatments for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I was at a Mind Body Spirit exhibition at Earls Court and heard the whooshing sound of the Qi Masters and thought as my friend had recovered his health I would give it a go. I don't have any specific health problems but I found the stomach are very painful during the treatment. The Master treating me said it was due to an energy blockage in the stomach. I have done Zen meditation regularly for years but often felt agitated when trying to meditate for long periods. After having the treatment I found I could meditate more deeply and for longer withought getting agitated.

Colin, 37,Hertfordshire

I did Innersound Ancestry Healing for my father at Innersound Exeter. I also had treatments as did my family.
I'm in good health anyway but I found that with the support of Qi I can train longer and I am more emotionally stable. I am much less short tempered which is great.

Leo, 52, Bristol

I have tried many different spiritual practises during my life but for me I have found the Innersound Method the most effective. I have nade more progress in the last two years with Innersound than I did in the passed ten years previous. Not all of us have the luxury of meditating for hours on a hill top. The Innersound Method gives me the experience of meditating for hours in nature in a fraction of the time without needing to head out to the mountains.

Ben, 38, West Hampstead

Thursday 21 June 2012

Hello and welcome to the latest post from Innersound Review. If you would like to provide a review please email us, we would be happy to hear from you.
today we are going to be looking at some more people's stories from their experiences with Innersound Qi Treatment and Innersound Ancestry. The Innersound Method is available to people at Innersound London, Innersound Exeter, Innersound Manchester and also online.
If you find these testimonials of interest please take a look at Innersound Ancestry.


Innersound Review Team

My husband and I go every year to the Quest natural health show and we saw the Innersound Qi Treatment there. We both tried it and loved it. We  have been having treatments at Innersound Exeter for years now and it helps us both feel healthier and more energised.

Dee, 47, Devon

I first tried  an Innersound Qi Treatment at the Devon County Show. I have problems with leg ulcers and high blood pressure. Being a farmer this was causing me a lot of problems. Having the treatments has given me more enrgy and I'm able to do more around the farm without getting exhausted.

Brian, 62, Cornwall

I first came across Innersound Qi Treatment when a flyer was put through my door. i had been struggling with fatigue and emotional problems after being drugged during a robbery. Having the treatments has recharged me and helped me emotionally get over the trauma of the robbery.

Gene, 46, Dorset

I did 49 days Innersound Ancestry Healing for my father at Innersound Exeter. i found it a very profound and moving experience which helped me come to terms with the difficult relationship I had with my father and also deal witht he grieving process. Thank you to all the Qi Masters who helped me along the way.

Kate, 49, Somerset

Wednesday 20 June 2012

Hello and welcome to the latest post from Innersound Review. Innersound Review brings people's experiences with Innersound Qi Treatment and Innersound Ancestry to the internet. If you enjoy reading about these people's experiences you might also like to try Innersound Revive.


Innersound Review Team

 I was going to run the London Marathon but was  told by the doctor that I wouldn't be able to run as I had tendonitis. I went to London with a friend just to attend and had an Innersound Qi treatment at the Marathon Show. The next day I felt fine and was able to run, putting in a personal best. Thank you Innersound !

Frank, Ireland

Having suffered from Obsessive compulsive Disorder from a young age I found the condition constrained my life causing me a lot of stress. I find the Innersound Qi treatments relax me a lot and help me to be more rational about things and enjoy life more.

Andrew, 58, Stoke

I started suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome in my late twenties and my sister has epilepsy. We both have Innersound Qi Treatment and I do the classes also. I have recovered now from C.F.S. and my sister is much more able to control her epilepsy. I would recommend this treatment to anyone.

Pamela, 32, Norwood

A friend recomended I try an Innersound Qi Treatment as they had got a lot from it. i have had migraines since my early twenties which knocks me out for a couple of days every month. Having three young children and being a single parent made for a very difficult situation. After a course of five treatments i now have far fewer migraines and they are much less severe. I now have an Innersound Qi treatment once a month to keep me in good shape to look after myself and my children.


Monday 18 June 2012

 Hello and welcome to the latest posting from Innersound Review. we at Innersound Review aim to bring regular updates about people's experiences with Innersound Qi Treatment and Innersound Ancestry to the internet in the hope that more people will be inspired to try our method. if you enjoy this blog please also take a look at Innersound Ancestry


Innersound Review Team

I am a recovering addict and clean from drugs and alcohol for 13 years. I came across Innersound just before Christmas 2009. I was going through a period of low energy and very negative thought patterns. I have had 6 Qi treatments and as a result, I have energy in abundance. My confidence has risen and even went to a nightclub and danced until 4.30 am!! 
I have experienced many holistic treatments being a holistic therapist myself and I rate Qi treatments as the best there is. At first, I was thinking that Qi treatment was just another therapy. But I cannot praise Innersound and its workers enough.

Yours Sincerely

Keith F…
Manchester, UK 

The treatment was a different experience and I felt truly amazing afterwards. I could feel a lot of blockages specially around the stomach area causing my actual problem and the treatment helped move and open up a lot but the extra bonus was that my knee was completely healed after the first treatment. I hadn’t even told the practitioner about it. Now I can walk and go to the gym pain free! Thank you!
March 2012

I really look forward to coming here. The atmosphere is so peaceful and the masters are friendly and really care about their clients. Although I don’t always enjoy my treatment, I love the way I feel afterwards and the discomfort is soon forgotten!
Thank you,
Rosemary Thomas
Jan 2012
It’s a true gift when you experience a treatment here. I have felt deep seated blockages start to be removed and a greater sense of peace, feeling grounded and a much better perspective on life. I’ve been doing training for over a year now and am so very happy at the changes that I have seen in myself and my relationships with others. I approach the ‘stresses’ of life with more clarity, calm and as a consequence have made decisions in my life that are making me happier. Would highly recommend it all!

L.L  - July 2011

Friday 1 June 2012

Hello and welcome to the latest posting from Innersound review. Here are the latest Innersound Review s form people who have experienced Innersound Ancestry and Innersound Qi Treatment. If you enjoy this blog please take a look at Innersound recharge and Innersound Ancestry.


Innersound Review Team

I had a series of very bad colds, as my immune system was weak from working long hours and having little sleep.  A series of Qi Energy Treatment s helped me recover from my cold, significantly increased my energy level and improved my immune system – I didn’t catch a cold for months.

During my pregnacy I developed a very bad back and on advise of my obstetrician went to see the physio.  The excercises I was given were nearly impossible to perform.  A single Qi Energy Treatment kept my back pain away for about 10 – 14 days, re-energised me and reduced the swelling.  It was by far the best treatment I had during my pregnancy.

I was on an overnight flight from New York when my back packed up and I could’nt get out of my seat.  A Qi Energy Treatment removed the incredible pain I had and a series of treatments helped the back to recover.

Nadia & David

I have been working 3 doors away from the Innersound Recharge Centre and for one year I have been passing by their doorstep everyday, admiring the little pots of plants in the window sill, not knowing what was in the room.

Being new in my job as an Accountant I still longed for my old job I uesd to do for 6 years which is at Liverpool Street.  Sometimes I wondered why I left my job to take a quite stressful new job with less salary in a little narrow road.

Now I can answer my own question.  I have come this way to find the energy that will resolve my uncertainty, anxiousness, worries, and all that disturbs my thoughts. 
It was all given to me through the treatment I received from the magnificant touch of all the Masters that treated me.

It was magic! I am at peace and this is my living testimony that the stress causing high blood pressure, the unpeacefulness of oneself, the breathlessness, the hyperactivity of my own being, subdued with the power of the unseen.

Josie Evangelista