Monday 17 September 2012

Hello and welcome to Innersound Review. In today's posting I have drawn together some people's experiences with Qi Energy Training. So far this blog has been about people's benefits from Qi Treatments.
Qi Energy Training is a modern system based on ancient Taoist practise.

You might ask the question why do we need a modern system when we have methods that have been around hundreds if not thousands of years ? It is a good question and one that I will endeavor to answer.
It is not just the system we use that is important but where we do it. There are many different types of energy, some being more beneficial for us than others. The originators of ancient practises such as Yoga and Tai Chi were able to develope their practise in a much purer environment than is available to people today.

Being in the mountains and countryside in the distant past energy was stronger and cleaner allowing them to make deeper and quicker progress. Our Qi Training classes are designed for the modern seeker of wellbeing and spiritual practice and addresses the different circumstances that challenge the modern man which were not a problem for the ancients.
Here is one person's experience with Qi Training. If you find this interesting please take a look at Innersound Ancestry.

I first tried Qi Training classes after doing a course of Qi Energy Treatments. I had always struggled to meditate and found it impossible to focus for even a minute. I had done Tai Chi  for three years and although I enjoyed the classes a lot I never felt I had really progressed much spiritually from the practise. When I started the Qi Training classes I found it quite hard as my mind was still very busy. Doing meditation for even a short time was very uncomfortable for me. I persevered with the classes and gradually my mind became more and more peaceful. As my mind relaxed I was able to focus and see much more deeply into my own mind and see clearly how to deal with situations. As I was able to see things more clearly, I didn't need to think as much in a confused state,which gave me more energy as thinking consumes alot of energy.

Ben, I.T. consultant Surrey

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